One of the dominating names in the Industry of Operating systems is Microsoft. And if we say that Microsoft has creates its monopoly in OS industry, it will be 90% true as Microsoft has already captured 90 percent of market share.
Microsoft has launched many of the most advanced user friendly operating systems such as Windows 98, 2000, XP, Windows Vista etc. But now Microsoft has recently taken and creates a new era for its loyal customers in the shape of Windows 7, it is said that this operating system will meet all customer expectations.
Short Review of Window Vista
Although Window Vista comes after XP and it was more advance in severalfunction then XP but still Widows Vista failed to stands high at customer expectations and users like more XP then Vista because of,
A.. Windows Vista slower in performance then XP.
B.. Lack of security and privacy issues related to it.
C.. Product activations support problems etc.
Now we will move toward Windows Sev7en and what’s new in it.
It is thought that Windows 7 will fulfill all the previous demands of the users as Bill gates himself stated, “That the mission for Windows 7 was to be a more ”user centric” Operating system that is exactly what it is”.
Windows 7 is called as a new generation in Operating systems.
Here is some of the new advancement what Windows 7 brings to us.
1.. Windows 7 has better encryption and hardware support system (easy installation of hardware and encryption power then Vista & XP).
2.. It is been thought that Windows 7 will also beat XP.
3.. Installation time is also shorter, Windows 7 will even install in half an hour, depending up on how fast the computer system you are using.
4.. It has full touch screen system support but only if your monitor supports such a feature.
5.. New good look, themes and advanced features.
6.. Jump list is the new feature added in Window 7. Here you will find recently opened programs, common tasks etc.
7.. In this Window quick launch area has gone and what left is just a task bar, we can access application icons at that area by just dragging them in to it for our comfort.
8.. Easy movement of gadgets on the desktop, now gadgets are not fixed to sidebar, and in window 7 there is no sidebar, you’re desktop become like a structured building.
9.. New and shine looking Media Player for watching movies, songs and videos etc that really bright up your operating system.
10.. It can support multi monitors and easy access to VPNs and many more.
Some Critics on Microsoft
No doubt, Microsoft had launched a new generation in operating system but still
Microsoft is criticized due to,
a.. Operating systems recently launched needs high expensive computer system to run faster.
b.. High graphics may reduce speed on old CPU Systems.
c.. Switching and installing Window 7 after XP is little bit a problem.
But to cut the story short when Microsoft Team had announced that Windows 7 is next generation, then their must be something surprising in it, lets hope for the best and I will be waiting for the moment when it shines on your dektop.