Now the excessive use of computers brings too many eye problems such as vision disorders, eye strain, eye fatigue, blur vision, pain in eyes, sleepy, tired, watering eyes and many other unpleasant side effects and if we don’t care our eyes the problem may be serious.
There are some physical exercises of eyes that is we adopt regularly then it will not only give us relief from tiredness, eyes pain and will also enhance blood circulation, strengthen the muscles tissues and regulate the metabolism.
1 Close your eyes and gently massage the eyeballs from inner corner to outside for two or three minutes but use your fingers softly on the eyelids to avoid unnecessary pressure.
2 Rotate your eyeballs clockwise and anti-clock wise three to four times while your eyes remained closed.
By doing these two steps open your eyes, look straight for few seconds and blink for them for a while.
3 To get relief massage your eye muscles between your eyes and presses your upper cheekbones and massages the eye-socket bones by moving the fingers outward and inward.
At last rub your hands against each other and finally place your warm palms on your eyes, you will feel immediate heat energy transferring from your palms to eyes that will give satisfaction.
While one hour works on the computer, make this habit to rest your eyes by viewing distant objects or the scenery outside and feel cool and take rest when you feel your eyes are tired but don’t exert any pressure on your eyes.
In order to safe your eyes from any fatigue and further vision problems ensure that the environment you are working is suitable with proper light, no sunlight or flash light on your computer screen and adjust your monitor brightness, contrast, sharpness and height up to normal level.
But along with the following exercises the diet we take must be balanced containing vitamin A, B and C for the proper nourishment and to fight against eyes fatigue.
Also intake fresh fruits and juices as well as root vegetables such as carrot, sweet potatoes and pumpkins.
At last eyes are the precious and most sensitive gifts from the nature and part of our face, and whole beauty of the universe depends upon these two round eyes, therefore be careful in the care of your eyes as there is no replace for the things once lost.
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