Monday, October 12, 2009

Google Innovation stands on 1 Day per Week work of Engineers !!

What the Google is all today is the combine effort of only one day per week work of Google engineers.

Google has separated some of its time for only innovation techniques. As a motivation technique (usually called Innovation Time Off), in that technique all Google engineers are encouraged to spend 20% of their work time (one day per week) on projects that creates a special interest for them.

Some of Google's newer services innovated, such as Gmail, Google News, Orkut, and AdSense originated from this one day per week work of engineers.
In a talk at Stanford University, Marissa Mayer, Google's Vice President of Search Products and User Experience, stated that her analysis showed that 50% of the new product launches originated from the 20% time.

Google is an American public corporation, which is earning its most revenue from advertising (AdWords), Internet search (search engine), e-mail (G-mail), online mapping (Google maps), office productivity (Google Applications), social networking site (Orkut), and video sharing (YouTube).

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